• lesson 1

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    Aim: How will our class be organized?



    Do now: What do you think you need to do in order to have a successful school year?



    1)    What are the class procedures?

    a)     Come into class and sit down before the bell rings

    b)    take out the previous nights HW

    c)     Do the do now.


    2)    What do we need to be prepared?

    a)     agenda

    b)    notebook

    c)     last nights HW

    d)    A pen


    3)    What will we learn about?

    a)     We will learn about American history from the beginning of time to the year 1877.


    4)    How will we be graded?

    a)     75% of your grades are based on tests.

    b)    25% are based on quizzes

    c)     You will lose one point from your quarter average for each missed HW.



    Home Work: Read page H24 in the textbook and paraphrase each of the five themes of geography. Paraphrase means to put things into your own words. Your answers must be at least one paragraph in length.

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  • lesson 2

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    v  AIM:  What are the 5 themes of geography?


    v  DO now:  Describe what you think geography is.



    I)                   What is Geography? What is History?

    a)      Geography is the study of people their environment and their resources.

    b)      History is the events that have happened over time in the lives of a people.


    II)                In order to study geography scientists developed five themes:

    a)      Theme one:  The first theme of geography is LOCATION, location means where something is on the Earth. There are two types of location, Exact and Relative.

    1)      Exact Location is the location of a place using Latitude and Longitude. Latitude measures distance North and South of the Equator while Longitude measures distance East and West of the Prime Meridian. Using latitude and longitude together creates a grid which makes it easier to locate places. When using latitude and longitude latitude is always mentioned first. You must also mention N/S and E/W

    2)      Relative Location is the location of a place in relation to other places.



    b)      Theme two:  The second theme of geography is PLACE, place means the physical and human characteristics of an area. Physical features of a Place are anything that occurs in nature such as climate, plant life animal life, land forms or bodies of water. Human features are anything man made.








    Home work: Using latitude and longitude and the map on pages R6 and R7 locate the following places.


    New York City, Los Angeles, Sydney, Australia, Beijing, China
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  • lesson 3

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    Lesson #3


    AIM: Continue the Five themes of geography

    DO NOW: In order to live in places like a desert or Alaska (places with extreme whether) people have had to change their environment. Give examples of how people have changed their environment.


    III)     Theme 3: The third theme of geography is Human Environment Interaction. This theme describes how people have _________ to their environment or how they ___________ their environment to meet their needs.

    IV)     Theme 4: The Forth theme of geography is Movement. Movement is the transfer of __________,_____________ and _________ from one place to another.

    V)      Theme 5: The fifth theme of geography is Region. A region is an area of the world that has ________________ characteristics. These might be physical, human or cultural.


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  • lesson 4

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    AIM: How does man learn about the past?


    DO NOW: Imagine that you are scientists who studies ancient civilizations and you just discovered a civilization that lived in this area. What would you look for? Why?



    I)                 The study of the past.

    a)    The Study evidence left behind by earlier civilizations is known as ____________________.

    b)   The people who study this evidence are known as __________________________.

    c)    The evidence that these civilizations leave behind is known as _____________. An artifact is an object that was used by man.


    II)              What is culture?

    a)    Using artifacts archaeologists learn about how people lived. These artifacts tell us what type of culture these people had.

    b)   Culture _________________________________________________________________________________________.


    Home work: Answer the following questions. You should use at least two sentences for each question

    1)   What is an Archaeologist? What do Archaeologists do?

    2)    Why do you think the study of Archaeology is important when we study about the past? ( remember that Archaeologist sometimes focus of the lives of humans before the advent of written language)

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  • lesson 5

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    AIM: How did people first arrive in North America?


    DO NOW:  Read chapter three in “the First Americans” and answer the following questions. 

    1)   How might the first people have traveled to North America?

    2)   Why did people come to North America at first? How did the arrival of man affect the animal population?

    3)   When the Ice Age ended what happened to the people who were already here?




    I)                  Mankind arrives in North America

    a)    Between 100,000 and 10,000 years ago the earth was in an Ice Age. An Ice Age is a period of time during which the temperature of the earth cools enough so that massive sheets of ice form. These sheets of ice are known as glaciers. When these glaciers formed sea level went down and a large area appeared between Asia and North America. This area was known as Beringia.

    b)    Early man was a hunter who followed his food source from one place to another. The animals that man hunted depended on grazing. As these animals grazed out an area they moved to other areas. Man followed these herds across Beringia into North America.

    c)    When the Ice Age ended the seas rose again and Beringia was covered by water. The people who had crossed over were now stranded in North America.



    HOME WORK: read pages 10-15 and answer questions 1-3 on page 15.

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  • lesson 6

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    AIM:  What are Culture areas?



    Do Now:  Read Chapter eight in “The First Americans” and answer the following questions.


    1)      What evidence proves the author’s claim that there is no such thing as a typical Native American?

    2)      Prior to the arrival of Europeans California was the most populated region in North America. Why do you think this was so?



    3)      Which of the Great Lakes does not have an Indian name? What does its name mean?


    4)      What was the most distinctive feature of the land east of the Mississippi River?



    I)                   Culture Areas

    A)    Culture Areas are regions in which groups of people share similar ways of life. This is true because the region in which these groups live, have the same characteristics.

    B)     Throughout North America there are 11 culture areas.

    1)      Arctic                          7) Southwest

    2)      Sub arctic                     8) Middle America

    3)      Northwest Coast          9) Southeast

    4)      Plateau                         10) Great Plains

    5)      California                     11) Eastern Woodlands

    6)      Great Basin






    Homework: Page: Answer the Geography skills questions on page 13.

    Also choose one of the culture areas from this page and do some research. Write a paragraph about the people who live in that area. What was the climate like, what type of food did they eat, what type of houses did they live in and anything else that you find interesting.


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  • lesson 7

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    AIM: What was the League of the Iroquois?


    DO NOW:     The Iroquois Native Americans lived in Eastern portion of North America. The Land that they lived in was almost all forest. The land was also excellent farm land and because it was heavily forested it was home to large variety of animals. Look at the pictures below and describe how the Iroquois adapted to their surroundings




    I)                  The League of the Iroquois

    a)     There are five nations that make up the league of the Iroquois. They are the __________, _________, Onondaga, Cayuga and the ____________. These people lived in ______________. These houses were at least 20 feet long and were headed by _____________

    b)    In the beginning of their history these five tribes were constantly at war with each other. Around the year 1570 these five nations decided that they no longer wanted to war with each other. They decided to form a government that would benefit each of the five nations. This government became known as the “____________________”.

    c)     The League of the Iroquois was a type of _________________________ in which each nation had one vote in the grand council.

    d)    The leaders of each of the five nations were chosen by the leaders of the individual families. The leaders of the individual houses were always ________________. If these women didn’t like a leader they could remove him.



    HOMEWORK:  Go to the following web site and describe what life might have been like for the Iroquois. Give details


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  • lesson 8

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    AIM: What were the middle ages?



    DO NOW:  Describe what you think Life on Earth might be like in the year 2113. Will there be major changes, will things be the same as today or will society take a step backwards?



                 The Middles Ages

    a)    The Middle Ages refers to the time period between the end of the Roman Empire around 500 AD until the beginning of the Renaissance around 1350 AD in Europe.

    b)   During this time period in Europe there was almost no advancement in any in science, technology, education or any other kind of learning.

    c)    During the Middle ages the system of government was called FEUDALISM. In this system lords got their power by pledging loyalty to a king and in exchange the king would grant the lord land, this land was known as a MANOR. This manor included the castle, the peasant’s huts, the fields and all other buildings.

    d)   The people who lived on the manor were known as SERFS. A Serf was a peasant who was basically a slave. They were bound to the land for life. They were the property of the lord. More than 95% of Europeans were Serfs.



    HOME WORK: Page 27 questions 1-3

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  • lesson 9

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    AIM:  What were the Crusades and how did they lead to the end of the middle ages?


    DO NOW:  watch this clip from the History Channels “ the crescent and the cross”

    Why were the crusades fought?




    I)                   The church in the middle ages

    a)      During the middle ages the church controlled all aspects of life in Europe.

    b)      The holy land was controlled by Muslims. This offended many in the church and they began to look at ways to regain control of the Holy land.


    II)                 The Crusades

    a)      In order to regain control of the Holy land the church ordered Europeans to fight a series of wars against the Muslims. These wars became known as the Crusades. A Crusade is a holy war.

    b)      The Crusades lasted from about the year 1100 until around 1300. The Christians lost all of the wars.





    HOME WORK: Look at pages 28-29 in the text and answer the questions under “geography skills” also explain how people caught the disease and what people did after the disease arrived in European towns.

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  • lesson 10

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    AIM:  How did the Crusades help to bring about the end of the middle ages?



    DO NOW:  Use your brain, how might exposure to different cultures help bring Europe out of the middle ages?


    I)                  Effects of the Crusades

    a)     Even though the Europeans were not successful in gaining control of Jerusalem from the Muslims they did have a profound effect on Europe

    b)    When the crusaders began to return to Europe from the middle east they brought with them many of the products that they had encountered in the middle east, these goods included Oranges, Dates, Rice, Silks, Spices and perfumes from all over the world

    c)     After a while there became a demand for these products in Europe.

    d)    Prior to the crusades the middle east was a center of trade between Asia and Africa, after the crusades European merchants began to seek trade with the middle east

    e)     One negative effect of the crusades was the introduction of the plague into Europe from Asia.


    II)               Superior technology

    a)     When the Europeans traveled to the Middle East they also began to encounter societies that had much better technology then they did.

    b)    The Muslims and the Chinese had better sailing ships and navigational aids then the Europeans did. These things allowed them to sail further away from land.



    HOME WORK:  Use your brain, look at a map of Europe, why do you think Italian merchants would become leaders in trade with the Middle East?

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  • lesson 11

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    Lesson #11


    AIM:  What was the Renaissance?


    DO NOW: Read “the power of the press” in The First Americans and answer the following questions

    1)   Why was the use of movable type a turning point in European history?

    2)   How do books give power to the people? (think about democracy)

    3)   What are some of the reasons Europeans headed to the unknown seas?


    I)                  The Renaissance

    a)    began around 1300 and lasted until roughly 1600

    b)    Began in Italy and spread into the rest of Europe. Italy became the center of trade because of its location between Europe and the Middle East.

    c)    This time period was marked by an increase in learning in all fields of knowledge.

    d)    One of the major occurrences of the renaissance was the introduction of the printing press to Europe. Prior to this all books were hand written and were therefore very expensive. The printing press made books more affordable. This led to an increase in knowledge


    Homework: Read pages 26-27 and answer the following.

    1)   What was the Renaissance?

    2)   What was Johannes Gutenberg’s contribution to the Renaissance?

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  • lesson 12

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    AIM:  Why did Europeans seek new trade routes to Asia?


    DO NOW: Answer the following question:

    Suppose you were buying a car, dealership A is selling a car for $30,000 and dealership B is selling the same car for $24,000 but is 150 miles further from your home then dealership A. Which dealership would you buy from and why?



    I)                   The search for new trade routes

    a)      During the renaissance strong kings replaced weak kings and slowly gained control over feudal lords.

    b)      These kings realized that they could make their countries rich by trading,

    c)      The Italians had a monopoly on trade between Europe and the Middle East.

    d)     Soon the countries in Europe realized that people in the Middle East and Italy were charging them more money for trade goods from Asia

    e)      European nations began to look for trade routes between Asia and Europe that would avoid contact with the Italians and the Muslims; this would make the price of goods cheaper.

    f)       The nations that began to explore for new trade routes were Portugal, Spain, France, England and the Netherlands.






    Home Work: Section one assessment questions 1, 2 and 3 on page 41.

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  • lesson 13

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    AIM:  Why were the voyages of Christopher Columbus so important?


    DO NOW: : Read A new land ‘discovered’ in the First Americans and answer the following questions

    1)   What obstacles hindered Columbus’ first voyage?

    2)   What was on the Tainos’ mind when they first encountered Columbus?

    3)   What do Columbus’ actions and words say about how he viewed the Indians?

    I)                  Spain in 1492.

    a)    Prior to 1492 Spain was not a united country and a good portion of Spain was controlled by a group of Muslims called the Moors.

    b)    Spain became united when King Ferdinand married Queen Isabella. Spain had fallen behind Portugal in exploring new trade routes to Asia

    c)    Spain hired Columbus to find new trade routes.

    d)    Columbus proposed sailing west across the Atlantic because he had the idea that the world was much smaller then it actually is. He felt China was only 3000 miles away.



    Homework: Page 45 questions 1-3

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  • lesson 14

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    AIM: What was the Columbian exchange?


    DO NOW: Make a list of everything that you eat for Thanksgiving.



    I)                    The Voyages of Columbus

    a)    Columbus left Spain in August 1492 seeking to establish new trade routes to Asia

    b)    In October 1492 he landed on the Island Of Hispaniola. Thinking he was close to India he named the people he encountered “Indians”

    c)    Columbus made four voyages in total, all the while he believed that he was very close to India.

    d)    Columbus’s voyage opened up a new world to European exploration.

    e)    As a result of this voyage Europeans began to set up colonies in the New World




    II)               The Columbian Exchange

    a)    the  Columbian exchange was an exchange of  goods and ideas between the old and new worlds

    b)    Also included in the exchange was the exchange of diseases, this had a profound effect on native Americans.

    c)    As a result of Columbus’ voyages more than 75% of the population of Native Americans perished over the next century.




    Homework: Do some research: use any search engine that you wish to complete this assignment. Search for the Columbian Exchange and answer the following question in three or more paragraphs.


    Do you think that Christopher Columbus’s voyage to the America was a good thing or a bad thing? Focus on facts that you learned from the websites you visited. You must take a side. You also must cite the websites that you use.

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  • lesson 57

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    Lesson #57




    AIM:  Why were George Washington’s actions as president so important?


    DO NOW: Analyze the following quotes and answer the following question

     “My station is new, and if I may use the expression, I walk on untrodden ground”

     George Washington in1789.

    “We are in a wilderness without a single footstep to guide us”

    James Madison in 1789.


    1)        What do you think these quotes mean?





    I)                  Washington sets precedents as president

    a)     Because he was the first president every action that he took set examples for other presidents to follow.

    b)    Under article two of the Constitution the president is allowed to have advisors. These advisors are known as secretaries and they are in charge of certain departments in the government. These advisors make up what is called the Cabinet.

    c)     Under George Washington there were five members of the cabinet, they were the secretaries of War, the Treasury, and State. Also, the offices of the Attorney General and the Post Master General.





    Home work: read the Whiskey Rebellion on page 247. How did the results of the whiskey rebellion differ from the results of Shay’s rebellion?

    Also go to http://www.whitehouse.gov/ and name all of the departments and cabinet level positions who advise President Obama. Also, do the vocabulary on pages 234-236


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  • lesson 58

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    AIM: Why was paying the national debt so important?


    DO NOW: Describe what you think credit is.


    Students will then read pages 28-29 in The New Nation and Answer the following questions.

    1)      According to the author what makes an economy work?

    2)      How do governments borrow money?

    3)      How did Hamilton feel about paying the national debt? Why?

    4)      How did Jefferson and Madison feel? Why?


    I)                   Repaying the National debt

    a)      As a result of the revolutionary war the United States owed a total of $66 Million dollars to investors and foreign countries.

    b)      During the period of the articles of confederation the government was unable to pay this debt. As a result the credit of the U.S was ruined and other countries refused to lend money to the U.S.

    c)      Alexander Hamilton proposed that the New U.S Government repay all of the debt. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison disagreed. This led to the birth of political parties in the U.S


    Homework: Read pages 238-242, do the vocabulary words and also do questions 1-3 on page 242.


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  • lesson 59

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    Lesson #59


    AIM:  How did political parties begin in the U.S?


    DO NOW:  Read pages 254-257 in The American Nation. List the differences between Hamilton’s and Jefferson’s views on government.


    I)                   Repaying the National debt

    a)      As a result of the revolutionary war the United States owed a total of $66 Million dollars to investors and foreign countries.

    b)      During the period of the articles of confederation the government was unable to pay this debt. As a result the credit of the U.S was ruined and other countries refused to lend money to the U.S.

    c)      Alexander Hamilton proposed that the New U.S Government repay all of the debt. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison disagreed. This led to the birth of political parties in the U.S


    II)                 The beginnings of political parties in the U.S.

    1)      Political parties began when Hamilton and Jefferson could not agree on the issue of paying back money owed from the war. Hamilton felt the money should be repaid while Jefferson didn’t.

    a)      Hamilton and those who believed in paying the debt formed the Federalist Party. They believed in the following ideas

    1)      a strong central government

    2)      an economy based on manufacturing

    3)      a government run by wealthy, well educated people

    4)      a loose interpretation of the constitution

    5)      an alliance with England

    6)      favored a national bank

    7)      favored protective tariff

    b)      Jefferson and those who thought like him formed the Democratic - Republican Party. They believed in the following ideas

    1)      strong state government

    2)      an economy based on farming

    3)      a government in which average people could have political power

    4)      a strict interpretation of the Constitution

    5)      an alliance with France

    6)      opposed national bank

    7)      opposed protective tariff


    Homework: Page 242 question 4.



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  • lesson 59a

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    Lesson # 59a


    AIM: Why did America choose to remain neutral in disputes between European nations?


    DO NOW: Imagine this situation: you come upon a fight between me and Shaq, why is it in your best interest not to get involved?




    I)                  the French Revolution (1789)

    a)     In July of 1789 the people living in France overthrew their government, took the king and queen as prisoners and established a republic similar to Americas.

    b)    Eventually in 1793 the king and queen were beheaded


    II)               France andEngland went to war

    a)     in 1793 France and England went to war again. Each side wanted America to get involved on their side

    b)    In the U.S at the time many people wanted America to help France because France had helped America during our Revolutionary war. Thomas Jefferson ,James Madison and the Democratic-Republican party felt this way

    c)     Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists favored getting supporting England.


    III)            The Neutrality proclamation

    a)     George Washington felt that it was not in the best interest of America to get involved in the war because America was still a weak country and would only be hurt by this war.

    b)    America followed it president and remained neutral, this was unpopular with most Americans.


    IV)            The Jay Treaty

    a)     The United States eventually signed a treaty with England with England called the Jay treaty.

    b)    In this treaty the British promised to honor American neutrality in exchange for increased business with the U.S

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  • lesson 60

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    AIM: What problems did John Adams face when he became president in 1797?



    DO NOW: what problems do you think John Adams might have faced when he became President?



    I)                   John Adams becomes president

    a)      In the election of 1796 John Adams became president of the United States; he was a member of the Federalist Party.

    b)      Under the constitution, at that time, the person who received the 2nd highest vote total would become the Vice President. Thomas Jefferson, the leader of the Democratic-Republican Party became Vice President. The two men disliked each other.

    c)      Adams also had the problem that he was constantly compared to Washington.


    II)                 Problems with France

    a)      Almost as soon as Adams took power the U.S was faced with a problem. France began attacking American Ships. Many people in The U.S demanded war.

    b)      Adams sent diplomats to France to try to avoid war but the French government insisted that the U.S pay a bribe to France. This became known as the XYZ affair.


    III)              Problems in the U.S

    a)      Adams also had many problems at home. Congress began to pass laws that severely limited people’s freedoms.

    b)      The Alien Act, allowed the president to expel any person who he thought was dangerous to the country.

    c)      The Sedition Act said that people could be fined if they spoke out against the government in any way. This law was in direct violation of the 1st Amendment.

    d)      These laws made Adams extremely unpopular in the U.S.



    Home Work:  Read pages 250-253 , describe the key terms on page 250 and answer questions 1-3 on page 253.


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  • lesson 61

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    AIM: What were the accomplishments of Thomas Jefferson as president?


    DO NOW: Read chapter 9 in “The New Nation” and answer the following questions.

    1)     What case is John Marshall famous for?

    2)     What does “Judicial review” mean?



    I)                  Thomas Jefferson wins the election of 1800

    a)     Jefferson was elected president in the 1800 election.

    b)    He was the first democratic-republican president

    c)     Jefferson believed in something called “Laissez Fair” economics. This means that government should play a very small role in the economic life of a country.

    d)    Jefferson believed in limiting the power of the federal government.



    II)               Jefferson and the Supreme Court.

    a)     When John Adams lost the presidency and before he left office he appointed John Marshall to be the chief justice of the Supreme Court.

    b)    Prior to Marshall the Supreme Court was not as important as the other two branches. Marshall made the Supreme Court important.

    c)     The case that allowed Marshall to do this was Marbury V. Madison. This case was the case that gave the Supreme Court the right of Judicial Review. This means that the Supreme Court has the right to decide if a law passed by congress or an act of the president was legal or not.




    Home Work: Page 270 questions 1-3

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  • lesson 62

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    AIM:  Why was control of the Mississippi R. important to the U.S?


    DO NOW: using the maps that I’m going to show you answer the following questions (you may work with one other person)

    1)     Why did people begin to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains?

    2)     What problems did these people face as a result of living in this area?

    3)     What was the quickest way for people to get their goods from this area to the east coast markets?

    4)     Use your imaginations, the technology to move large amounts of goods around the country did not exist yet in the early 1800’s. What, in your opinion , would be a logical invention.



    I)                  The Louisiana Purchase

    a)     Prior to 1801 the territory of Louisiana was owned by Spain.

    b)    Spain allowed U.S farmers to use the port of New Orleans to ship their goods to market.

    c)     In 1801 Spain sold the Louisiana Territory to France.

    d)    The French did not allow the U.S farmers to use the port of New Orleans to ship their goods to market.

    e)     The U.S sent a delegation to France to try to buy the port of New Orleans for $15 million.

    f)      France who was about to go to war with England offered the entire Louisiana Territory to the U.S for $15 Million.

    g)     The U.S agreed to buy the territory even though this type of purchase was not really allowed under the Constitution.




    Home Work: Page 277 Questions 1-4.


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  • lesson 63

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    AIM: Who Were Lewis and Clark?


    DO NOW: Read chapter 11 in “The New Nation” then describe in detail their journey. you must focus on how Lewis trained for his journey, the dangers that they faced, what they were supposed to do on the journey, some of the types of food they ate, the importance of Sacajawea, the Mandan’s and the Shoshone.



    I)                  The Lewis and Clark Expedition

    a)    Prior to the U.S purchase of the Louisiana Territory president Jefferson wanted to explore the area to see if there was an all water route to the Pacific Ocean and to claim the land for America.

    b)    Once Louisiana was purchased there was a need to explore it because so little was known about that portion of North America.

    c)    The main job of the expedition was to map the territory, collect information on new species of plants and animals, and to establish contact with Native American groups living in the area and to make peace with them. This was not easy to do because Lewis and Clarke had no

    d)    The Expedition left St. Louis in early 1804 and did not return until September of 1806





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  • lesson 64

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    AIM: What were the causes of the war of 1812?


    DO NOW: Read Chapter 15 in the New Nation and answer the following questions

    1)     Why were Americans angry with England?

    2)     Which section of the U.S did not want war with England? Which did?

    3)     Who were war hawks?

    4)     What happened to Washington D.C during the war?

    5)     What happened at Fort McHenry?



    I)                  Causes of the war of 1812

    a)     In the early 1800’s England and France were at war with each other once again.

    b)    America tried to trade with both of those countries; however the American navy was weak and was unable to protect American ships. Both England and France stole American ships and cargoes.

    c)     Congress tried to stop this theft by passing the Embargo Act. This law banned trade with all foreign countries. This really hurt American businesses. Eventually congress repealed that act and passed the Non-Intercourse Act. This said that America could not trade with nations at war. 

    d)    England also captured American sailors and forced them to work as slaves on British ships. This is known as impressment.

    e)      Impressment hurt America’s pride or Nationalism. Many Americans began to ask for war against England.

    f)      Another reason that Americans wanted war with England was because England had not turned over forts in the west to America as they had agreed to do at the end of the revolutionary war and they were also arming Native Americans to fight against the U.S



    Homework, page283 1-4

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  • lesson 65

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    AIM: How did the War of 1812 end?


    DONOW:   Read page 286 in “The American Nation”. How did America Prepare for the war of 1812?



    I)                   The war of 1812

    a)      When the war began the U.S was not really prepared, The U.S had a very small navy and a poorly trained army.

    b)      The U.S army tried to capture Canada, they were not successful. They burned the capitol of Canada to the ground, this angered the British.

    c)      The British goal was to capture Washington D.C to retaliate for the Americans burning the Canadian capitol. They were successful.

    d)      The British also sought to capture the city of Baltimore which was defended by Fort McHenry; they were not successful in doing this. It is from this battle that we get our national anthem.

    e)      The major American victory of the war actually happened after the war ended. Led by General Andrew Jackson the Americans defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans. This battle occurred on January 8th 1815.

    f)        The treaty ending the war was signed on December 24th 1814. This treaty was known as the Treaty of Ghent because it was signed the city of Ghent in Belgium. Neither side gained much from the war, the U.S did gain some respect from other nations.




    Homework: P287 1-4

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