• NYSED Regionalization Initiative


    Dear POB Community,


    We would like to provide you with important information about the NYSED Regionalization Initiative and how it impacts our district. The NYSED Regionalization Initiative aims to understand the various opportunities districts offer to their students, including academics, extracurricular activities, technology, and support services. The District and the Board of Education have been actively involved in various meetings and webinars to learn about how this initiative impacts POB Schools. In addition, the Board of Education and the District have been advocating to NYSED about the concerns raised by the lack of specificity in the regulation. The District encourages the POB Community to submit their own questions and concerns to NYSED during the public comment period (email: regionalization@nysed.gov) which closes on November 25th. The documents below outline the various communications and information shared with the District and Board of Education.  Click here to read the September 25th Emergency Regulation.


    We encourage you to stay informed and engaged with this initiative. Here are some helpful links and resources:


    • POB Advocacy Letter to the Community (11/26/24). Access further details through this link.
    • POB Advocacy Letter to the Community (11/21/24). Access further details through this link.
    • Parent Square Message to the Community (11/24/24). Access further details through this link.
    • Board of Education's letter to NYSED Commissioner Rosa, co-signed by all bargaining units. Access further details through this link.
    • POB Board of Education Advocacy Letter (11/08/24). Access further details through this link.
    • Understanding Regionalization Letter (10/25/24). Access further details through this link.
    • NYS Development and Implementation of Regionalization Plans (09/25/24). Access further details through this link.
    • NYSED Website. Access further details through this link.
    • NYSED FAQ. Access further details through this link.
    • Link to Nassau-Suffolk School Boards Association Webinar with NYSED.  Access further details through this link.


    Thank you for your continued support.