lesson 1
Posted by:9/4/14
Aim: How will our class be organized?
Do now: What do you think you need to do in order to have a successful school year?
1) What are the class procedures?
a) Come into class and sit down before the bell rings
b) take out the previous nights HW
c) Do the do now.
2) What do we need to be prepared?
a) agenda
b) notebook
c) last nights HW
d) A pen
3) What will we learn about?
a) We will learn about American history from the beginning of time to the year 1877.
4) How will we be graded?
a) 75% of your grades are based on tests.
b) 25% are based on quizzes
c) You will lose one point from your quarter average for each missed HW.
Home Work: Read page H24 in the textbook and paraphrase each of the five themes of geography. Paraphrase means to put things into your own words. Your answers must be at least one paragraph in length.