lesson 5

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AIM: How did people first arrive in North America?


DO NOW:  Read chapter three in “the First Americans” and answer the following questions. 

1)   How might the first people have traveled to North America?

2)   Why did people come to North America at first? How did the arrival of man affect the animal population?

3)   When the Ice Age ended what happened to the people who were already here?




I)                  Mankind arrives in North America

a)    Between 100,000 and 10,000 years ago the earth was in an Ice Age. An Ice Age is a period of time during which the temperature of the earth cools enough so that massive sheets of ice form. These sheets of ice are known as glaciers. When these glaciers formed sea level went down and a large area appeared between Asia and North America. This area was known as Beringia.

b)    Early man was a hunter who followed his food source from one place to another. The animals that man hunted depended on grazing. As these animals grazed out an area they moved to other areas. Man followed these herds across Beringia into North America.

c)    When the Ice Age ended the seas rose again and Beringia was covered by water. The people who had crossed over were now stranded in North America.



HOME WORK: read pages 10-15 and answer questions 1-3 on page 15.
