• Sci

  • Dr. Joyce Thornton Barry sci K-12 Chairperson of Science and Research
    Email: jbarry@pobschools.org  Phone Number: 516-434-3191 


    Mrs. Stacey Tamburello, Secretary




    Ms. Patricia Lombardo, Lab Assistant


High School Teachers

Middle School Teachers

  • Mattlin Middle School

    5th Grade:

    • Mr. Bonica
    • Ms. Cohen
    • Ms. Farina
    • Ms. Mirabella
    • Ms. Georgetti

    6th Grade:

    • Ms. Fitzgerald
    • Mr. Hetzer
    • Ms. Maltese
    • Ms. Patanjo
    • Ms. Georgetti

    7th & 8th Grade:

    • Ms. Gonzalez
    • Ms. McCarthy
    • Ms. Menchel
    • Ms. Loechner
    • Ms. Saltiel

    POB Middle School

    5th Grade:

    • Ms. Grund
    • Ms. Krage
    • Ms.O'Brien
    • Ms. Schroeder
    • Ms. Diamond

    6th Grade:

    • Ms. Alford
    • Mr. Bowden
    • Ms. Huldie
    • Ms. Klein
    • Ms. Diamond

    7th & 8th Grade:

    • Ms. Falzone
    • Ms. Fitzpatrick
    • Ms. Mlinas
    • Ms. Walker
    • Ms. Bonomo



    Comments (-1)



    Room / Period

    Mr. Adelberg

    298 / 5th odd

    Mr. Amorizzo

    297 / 7th odd

    Ms. Barditch

    292B / 4th even

    Ms. Behar

    225 / 3rd even

    Mr. Burke

    296 / 5th even

    Ms. Cangelosi

    295 / 7th even

    Mr. Desimone

    296 / 5th even

    Mr. Filippi

    293 / 4th even

    Mr. Formisano

    235 / 4th odd

    Mr. Hassard

    295 / 8th odd

    Ms. Holdsworth

    222 / 7th odd

    Ms. McNulty

    222 / 6th even

    Mr. Pedicini


    Mr. Pekor

    222 / 7th odd

    Ms. Rause

    292B 4th even

    Mr. Schlissel

    229 / 3rd odd

    Ms. Sheikh 

    225 / 8th even

    Mr. Ward

    222 / 6th odd

    Mr. Weilbacher

    295 / 5th even

    Ms. Wetzler

    222 / 6th odd

    Ms. Winter 295 / 5th even