• Stock Market
    Useful Links:
    Congratulations to Ben Weiss; Winner of the Fall 2012 Stock Market Game!Succuss
    Course Overview:

    COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Stock Market will be covered in depth. This study will include the role that the market plays today in financing modern American corporations and public institutions that borrow from the general public. Stocks, bonds, CD’s, mutual funds, money markets, on-line trading, selling short, bulls & bears, and margin accounts are only a few of the topics covered.  Various stock market games will be played. This is an exciting program that allows the student to learn about investing and speculating. Taxation will include a study of all major forms of taxation currently in place today. Students will be shown proper technique for completing their own simple tax returns. The course meets every day for one semester (1/2 year).

    Prerequisite: None

    ASSESSMENT UTILIZED: Case studies, projects, portfolio assessment, quizzes, and tests


    HOMEWORK: Assignments not completed in class

    COURSE EXPECTATIONS: Students are expected to attend all classes, actively participate in class, complete all in class and homework assignments and maintain positive learning behaviors in the classroom.