    marketing 2
    marketing 2
    Course Overview 
    COURSE DESCRIPTION: This second year marketing course goes into greater detail about modern marketing practices. Students will learn the basic fundamentals of marketing research and analysis. Students will conduct a real life marketing research and analysis project, and prepare a formal marketing research/business plan. Students are encouraged to continue in DECA. Research manuals, presentations, and storyboards will be developed using knowledge obtained in the course and will enable students to compete on the state and international levels of DECA competitions. Additionally, the topics of selling and distributing your product will be covered in the course.

    Prerequisite: Marketing I

    ASSESSMENTS UTILIZED: Research manuals, presentations, storyboards, projects

    HOMEWORK: Minimal, most work done in class

    COURSE EXPECTATIONS: It is expected that students are prepared to write a 30 page marketing research proposal throughout the course of the first semester. Hard work, dedication and teamwork are required for success in this course.