- Plainview-Old Bethpage Central School District
- 2024-2025 School Year Central Registration
Central Registration
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Welcome to Plainview-Old Bethpage Central School Districts Infinite Campus
Online Registration!
Please review the information below to prepare for the Online Registration Process. As you proceed through the registration process, we request that all sections should be completed to the best of your ability. If at any point you experience difficulty completing the registration process, please contact us for assistance at (516) 434-3087 or email us at POB Registration registration@pobschools.org.
To register NEW children for the 2024-2025 School Year (Grades: Preschool, UPK (PKF) and K-12), please CLICK HERE TO START THE REGISTRATION PROCESS.
To complete the registration process, you MAY need the following documents:
Note: If the documents that you wish to upload are more than one page, we ask that you upload them as one document. To upload them as one document, please either scan them in on your computer or utilize an app on your mobile device such as tiny scanner available on the app store to scan multiple pages to one file. Additionally, we ask that you upload all documents as either a PDF or JPG Image file; other formats may not be accepted.
- Release of School Records (available in the registration application)
- Recent report card, transcript, or grades from student's current school (if available)
- Immunization record (to be completed by a NYS doctor)
- NYS School Health Examination Form (to be completed by a NYS doctor and available in the registration application)
- If it is necessary for your child to take internal medication, either prescription or non-prescription, an Authorization for Administration of Medication in School and School Activities should be completed (to be completed by a NYS doctor) [This form should be completed and dated after July 1st of 2024]
- Students in grades 5-12 who self carry their own EpiPen or Inhaler should have a completed Provider Attestation and Parent Permission for Independent Medication Carry and Use form on file (to be completed by a NYS doctor) [This form should be completed and dated after July 1st of 2024]
- Original student birth certificate OR Baptismal Certificate
If a birth certificate or baptismal certificate is not available, please upload a Passport. If a Passport is not available, such other evidence in existence two years or more may be considered to determine the student’s age including but not limited to:- Official driver's license
- State or other government issued identification
- School photo identification with date of birth
- Consulate identification card
- Hospital or health records
- Military dependent identification card
- Documents issued by Federal State or local agencies (e.g., local social service agency, Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement)
- Court orders or other court-issued documents
- Native American tribal document
- Records from non-profit international aid agencies and voluntary agencies.
- Parent photo ID (ex. passport, license, etc.)
- IEP or 504 and/or ESL plans or records (if applicable)
- If either of the above apply, you will need to complete both a release of Educational Records agreement and a release of Medical Records agreement
- If you are enrolling for the purposes of CPSE evaluation, and your child attends a Regular Early Childhood Program, a completed Preschool Teacher Report is needed.
- Students enrolling in grades 7-12 who have previously participated in Junior Varsity or Varsity or Varsity athletics should complete a Transfer Notification Form
Furthermore, please find the situation that applies to you and complete the indicated forms and gather the documents you intend to submit:The below is a non-exhaustive list of documents. The District does not require any specific document and will not deny enrollment for the failure to present any specific type of document.
Please note: It is recommended to provide proof of residency to the district within 72 hours of your child(s) enrollment.The parent(s) or guardian(s), the person(s) in parental relation to the child, as appropriate, shall submit documentation and/or information in support of the child’s residency in the district and shall provide no later than three business days after initial enrollment of your child in support of the child’s residency in the district.
Own house:- Deed Or Mortgage Statement OR Tax Bill &
- Recent utility bill (ex. electric, gas, oil, etc.) OR Start of Service letter from electric company OR Pay stub with parent name and address shown &
- Form A
Renting Apartment or Renting a Private House:
- Lease &
- Recent utility bill (ex. electric, gas, oil, etc.) OR Start of Service letter from electric company OR Pay stub with parent name and address shown &
- Form A &
- Form B by landlord and Form C by Renter/Non-Owner
Living with family member without a lease:
- Form A &
- Form B by Owner and Form C by Renter/Non-Owner &
- Deed Or Mortgage Statement OR Tax Bill from owner
Homeless or in temporary housing:
- Letter from DSS (if available)
- Form A
Next, if any of the following special situations apply to you, please complete the indicated forms and gather the documents you intend to submit:Are divorced or parents are living separately:
- Court-approved custody papers or custodial affidavit (available in the registration application)
Are legal guardian:
- Custodial Affidavit
- Court-approved guardianship papers