• Welcome to POB's Elementary School Counseling


    Ms. Alyssa Reyer

    Elementary School Counselor - Stratford Road and Pasadena 









    Old Bethpage 516-434-3419  

    Pasadena 516-434-3370 



    Ms. Nicolette Lodato 

    Elementary School Counselor - Old Bethage and Judy Jacobs Parkway


    twitter: @mslodatopob 

    Judy Jacobs-Parkway 516-434-3370

    Stratford Road 516-434-3370





  •  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cKSeuSli_IvD_4FqBPNXrWADNHT2D0Z5/view?usp=sharing

    Back to School Conversation Starters

    As you enter this busy season of more limited family time, it’s even more important to make every conversation count. Not sure how to start? This Back to School Talk printable provides conversation starters that helps big talkers and great listeners each share and contribute.

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Managing Worries

  • Helping Anxiety

    Elementary Workshop on Anxiety

    Anxiety is a part of our primitive, emotional brain (the limbic system) that protects us from danger. This area of the brain, especially the amygdala, is the sensor to alert us of danger. It sends a message to our adrenal glands to give us the adrenaline to fight or flee from danger.

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  •  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d0Xm_0QryR4oVamrvXhsSpTXc2Emf0Ou/view?usp=sharing

    Back to School BINGO!

    Can you try 3 in a row before the first day of school? If you try or complete 3 boxes in a row- diagonal, horizontal or vertical, bring this board with you the first day of school and hand it to your school counselor and you’ll get a first day of school prize!

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  • /cms/lib/NY01001456/Centricity/Domain/63/ml-400x267.jpg

    Speaking to Young Children About hate

    As we process tragic events created out of hate, a question that fills many of our minds is how do we talk about this with our children? How can we tell our sweet, precious youth that there are people in the world who have hate in their heart? As parents and educators we look to raise children who are compassionate and kind. What can we do right now, today? We can educate ourselves and our children in an age-appropriate way.

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