• Infinite Campus Parent Portal Activation Information

    The Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD School District is pleased to provide the parents/guardians of our students with the Infinite Campus Parent Portal communication tool. This Portal connects parents/guardians to students' data online, anytime, from anywhere there is Internet access within the United States. Once the Portal is accessed, information about your child's progress can be viewed anytime.
    Making this information-rich connection with parents and guardians is a clear way to improve communication between teachers, parents and students. Access to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal can be obtained from home, work, the public library, or anywhere an internet connection can be established. The Parent Portal is a free service for our district's families.

    If you already have an account, please sign in here. If you are new to the district and would like to register your child to attend school within Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD, please click here to access POB's Online Registration tool.  


    If you are a new registrant to the district, and have already enrolled your child(ren) using POB's Online Registration (OLR) tool, then you have already agreed to all of the internet and device user agreements. You should have received an email confirming your registration as well as an email invitation to sign up for the Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. 


    Families who registered their child(ren) using the OLR registration tool since 2022 should have received an invitation to set up a portal account. If you have not received this invitation, or can't seem to locate it, please reach out to the Student Services department for assistance at: ichelp@pobschools.org.

    Resource Documents



    *If your child is already enrolled in the district and has been attending school, and you have not signed up or accessed the Parent Portal before, please do the following to register for a Parent Portal account.


    How do I sign up for the Parent Portal Account?


    Step #1. Review the district computer policy: 8630- Computer Resource and Data Management
    Step #2. Prior to creating an Infinite Campus portal account, parents and guardians are required to sign our Parent Portal Agreement Form that is located on FamilyID. FamilyID is hosted by ArbiterSports. You may access the agreement by clicking here. You do not have to complete this agreement for each child enrolled in the district, you only have to complete it one time for one child and that is good for every child in the household. Completing the agreement will cover all your children enrolled in the district. Please enter the parent/guardian information for all parents/guardians that wish to have access to Parent Portal in the FamilyID form.
    Step #3. Once we confirm that you have completed the Parent Portal Agreement, you will receive an email invitation to sign up for the Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.  
    After completing steps 1 and 2, you will receive instructions via email with an "activation key code" to provide you with access to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Step 3.     
    Step #4. To activate and log in to your account, please go to the following Web site: Log In Here

    For further information on the Parent Portal, please visit: https://www.infinitecampus.com/audience/parents-students/help-center