- Plainview-Old Bethpage Central School District
- Mrs. Rubin's Middle School Life Skills Class
Rubin, Lauren
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Welcome to Mrs. Rubin's Life Skills Class
I would like to welcome you and your child to the start of a new school year. We are going to have a busy and productive year, filled with exciting learning activities, social events, and so much more.
It is my belief that positive interaction between the teacher and parents strengthen the feeling of support all children need for success in school. My goal this year is to create an atmosphere of open communication regarding your child’s progress and behavior both in school and at home. Please feel free to contact me anytime you wish to express a comment, a concern or to ask a question about your child. By working together we will be able to better meet the needs of your child.Our Class ScheduleHoughton Mifflin’s Soar to Success program is specifically designed to help your child reach their potential.
-Pairs fiction and nonfiction selections together to engage, motivate, and inform your child.
-Provides small group insturction.
-Builds comprehension skills & strategies your students need to become fluent strategic readers
- Addresses all five of the critical skills needed for reading success: Phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.Social Studies:
- We focus on American History. Students will learn about important events that have occured in history.Science:- We will dicuss healthy eating and how it effects our bodies.
Math- Telling time- Money- Calendar skills- Numerical OperationsLife Skills- Medical Vocabulary- Learning personal information (address, phone number, ect.)- Various forms of communication (phone and computer skills)