• POB Science contract   7the grade science
     Materials for the Course

    During the course I will be distributing handouts and other materials, which are to be kept in a loose-leaf binder. The following are needed:

    1.     3-ring loose-leaf binder                                
    2.     Loose-leaf paper and  4 folders
    3.     2 Section dividers
    4.     Pens, pencils, colored pencils and highlighters

     POB-Middle School rules apply under all circumstances.


    1.     Follow directions the first time they are given.
    2.     Be seated and ready to work when the bell rings.
    3.     Bring ALLnecessary materials to class.
    4.     While I am talking, students are to give 100% attention.
    5.     Students are not to call out. (Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged).
    6.     Respect others. Be kindl with your words and actions

     Your quarterly grades will be determined by your performance in the following areas:

                                 Full period or major exams       55%
                                 Quizzes/Labs                      35%
                       Homework                         10%



    Exams will always be announced. A review sheet for each will usually be available. There will be an exam at the end of each unit.

    Quizzes may be unannounced.The questions are usually fill-in, short answer, matching, essay, etc… Quizzes can cover homework assignments, review work, class discussions, videos, lab work etc…

    Homework will be assigned as often as possible. Late homework will Not be accepted unless you were absent from school on the date the assignment was collected. It is yourresponsibility to show me the homework the next day. You will sometimes copy the assignment from the board or a handout will be given. Check school website 

    Lab Work will be performed and recorded. Students will be required to answer questions after most experiments. These reports will be graded. If absent, you must make up the lab within 2 weeks. After this time you can not make up the lab and a zero will be assigned.

    Class notess may be graded at the end of each quarter. The goal of this grade is to help students be organized. I require 2 divisions in their binders:

    1.     Notes and handouts

    2.     Homework & Lab reports

    Chronological order is important therefore, every handout, homework, lab and notes must have dates on them. Participation in the classroom is essential. Listen to the teacher and to the other students in class. Be prepared so that you can get involved in class discussions and projects.