This .pdf document, published by the College Board, lays out the Key Concepts in our course. It also includes sample exam questions and generic rubrics for the Compare and Contrast, DBQ, and Change Over Time essays.
These two links provide access to released essay questions from past AP exams. Scoring guidelines are also included.
The publisher of our textbook has posted outlines, review questions, study games, and a review sheet for each chapter.
Tenth graders preparing for the AP exam in March, April, and May 2016 may find this review book helpful. Essay writing tips and content summaries are sound.
Many tenth grade students will want to consider registering for the June administration of the SAT II World History exam. Ask your guidance counselor if this optional test makes sense for you.
The publisher of the Patterns of Interaction textbook has posted .mp3 audio tutorials. These resources are ideal for students who may be struggling with a tricky topic. The sound clips are organized by chapter number, so you will need to consult the Table of Contents in the Patterns textbook before you can effectively navigate this site.