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Welcome P-OB Parents!
Below you'll find a guide to P-OB on the Web made just for parents of P-OB students. Links to information for your school (phone numbers, addresses, contact info, first alert, directions, lunch menus, and school library online info) are found on the web pages for each of the schools.Emergency school closing and delayed school opening information can be found here.The Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library is offering a FREE on-line homework help/tutoring service to all of our residents. More information.can be found at www.poblib.org.Information on our education program along with Parent Handbooks, designed to provide you with curriculum, special programs, and general information, are available online on our Curriculum & Instruction page. You can also find useful school district administration information (District overview, NY State Report Cards, and a Central Office Directory):Gain access to our special district-wide programs from the following links:The district calendar and other upcoming district & school events are listed on our:- Summary Calendar for Student Attendance (very outdated)
The concept of parent networking is an effective and often vital approach to parenting. SAFENET is affiliated with the school district through the office of Pupil Personnel. They are sponsored through a New York State grant, "Safe and Drug-Free Schools".Our Educational Technology provides Web Site search engines that help to screen inappropriate Internet sites and eliminates them from search results. While no filter is 100% accurate, the "child friendlier" links listed on this page use advanced proprietary filter technology that checks keywords, phrases, and URL categories. In addition, you will be able to access our Student and Parent District Network/Internet Safety and Use Resource Page with links to Internet related polices and forms and useful resources on topics such as Cyber Bullying, etc.