- Judy Jacobs-Parkway Elementary School
- Search Engines for Kids
Library Media Center
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Yippy.com (formerly Clusty.com) offers additional ways to choose your information besides the traditional way. On the sidebar you can choose results based on "Clouds" (groupings by headings and subheadings); "Sources" (where the information comes from); "Sites" (choose the type of organization the information comes from, for example: .com, .org, .edu, .gov, etc); and "Time" (choose how recently the information has been posted). -
Ask Kids is a search engine desinged for kids aged 6-12 and contains child-appropriate web sites.
Yahoo Kids
Yahoo Kids offers some fun features such as movies, sports, activities, etc, besides the traditional search with results that have been hand picked by educators. -
Sweet Search
Sweet Search is a great website that offers a variety of content, as well as a search engine specifically for students. This is also a good place to get hotlists of sites for specific topics such as "Women's History", etc. (look for 'Finding Dulcinea' (http://www.findingdulcinea.com/) As they say on their website, "Every Web site in SweetSearch has been evaluated by our research experts."