- Plainview-Old Bethpage Central School District
- Upcoming Exams
MIDTERM IN-CLASS: Thursday, January 18th & Friday, January 19th
Part 1 In-Class: Thursday, January 18th- students will be given multiple reading comprehension paragraphs and related multiple choice questions to answer
Part 2 In-Class: Friday, January 19th- students will be given a text analysis to compose
Vocabulary Quiz: Thursday, 12/21
Students will be responsible to know the vocabulary words for Excavating Rachel's Room. The
words will need to be defined within the context of the story.
Araby vocabulary quiz: 11/17
Students are responsible to define vocabulary words within the story's context.
Revising Cliches Quiz: Wednesday, 11/1
Students will choose 4 out of 6 cliches to revise, analyze, and give an example for each.
Contents Dead Man's Pockets Exam: Friday, 10/13
Students will have a unit test on the short story, "Contents of the Dead Man's Pockets." The format of the exam
will be multiple choice, short answer, and vocabulary.
Son's Forgiveness Father's Pride Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday, 10/3
Students are responsible for 10 vocabulary words from the short story we read. They will have to pick the correct word to complete the given sentence. Knowing the correct part of speech for each word will help them determine which word to choose.
Reading Comprehension Test: 9/26 : A Son's Forgiveness and a Father's Pride
Student's will be allowed to use their annotated copy of the story to answer comprehension questions about the story.