The Plainview-Old Bethpage School District is generously and faithfully supported by the Parent-Teacher Association. Thanks to the PTA's dedication to the welfare of children and the cause of public education, this community has had an outstanding record of public support for the highest quality education of our students.
The PTA Council serves as a coordinating body that unites the efforts of the seven school-based PTAs and SEPTA. Membership of PTA Council is composed of delegates elected by each of these PTAs. Membership of PTA Council is composed of delegates elected by each of these PTAs.
The Parent-Teacher Associations seek to bring together the home, the school, and the community in order to develop the cooperation necessary to secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental and social education. The PTA extends a cordial welcome to all parents to join their membership and attend their meetings which are listed in the district calendar.
Special Education Parent-Teacher Association (SEPTA) is a group of concerned people interested in the welfare and education of children with special needs and their families. Anyone with questions or ideas can contact SEPTA members. Everyone is welcome to attend their meetings which are listed in the district calendar. For further information, contact the Office of Pupil Personnel Services at 516-434-3020 or by emailing SEPTA at .
MAPOB is a district-wide organization dedicated to developing our student's musical skills in all the music disciplines: band, chorus and orchestra. We encourage parents, faculty, students and community members to join together to provide organized support for the music programs in the POB School District and community.